Friday, March 4, 2016

Day one

Hey Wifa,

First day down.

I am trying to get acclimated to Being Here. This morning I Had breakfast with the group. I Had Cocoa Krispies, qui I do not think I have had since being a little kid.

I think I can carve out a pretty good environment to research here. Not a lot of pressure and a lot of autonomy. I explored my surroundings a little today and walked in a couple of different directions. In one direction, there are small beaches and a boat yard with fancy yachts and Porsches. In the other direction, there are small restaurants (that look like tourist traps) and stop a train. I saw a bullet train whip by and wish they existed in the US. 

 The view from out my window. The penis Of That sculpture is Accentuated by the form's posture and gravity. Kind of hilarious.

 Painting in my room, That more on later.

 Giant phallus fireplace in the dining room

There is a series of portraits in one of the hallways of the castle, this is the best.

The painting in my room seen from my bed, creepy.

Morning view from my room.

If you look you can see the étroitement wiener in the wind, lol.

My room is on the corner of the second floor.

One of favorite sculptures at the castle, one of a pair.

The courtyard is lush.

You can see the tower from everywhere.

There is a bad sculpture on this pedestal, aim the stone is beautiful.

 A painting of the castle

A very from one of the rooms in the castle.

Crazy bed.

Love this pattern.

Library, Did not notice the books leaning When I took this pic.

Some of the crew, still learning names. 

So good, waaaaasssssup.

Fancy room.

The color behind this window Was purple, pic Does not do it justice.

Creepy baby sculpture, beautiful stone.

One of the spaces.



enemy of


There Was a magician at the castle, he did this magic trick and the cards-have been there ever since. The ceiling Has to be 30-40 feet high.
My favorite artwork here.

Beautiful stone again.

I think Gretchen Would Be into this

Henry Clews epitaph, very strange.

Beach cats 

A nice painting

I wish you were here, love. Miss you so much.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


Hey Wifa

I hope you are feeling better. It is so crumby that you haven't been 100% since you got there. I wish I was there to take care of you. The good news is that it is a week until you get home. We all cannot wait to have you here.

Today has been like the rest of the days since you left, busy. It is a little overwhelming to try and do everything and maintain the house and take the dogs out and such, but we are making due. The hard part is mostly over, so I am not as stressed. 

Anyway, I think the work turned out really good. I am excited to see it all together Sunday. I cannot wait to show you the pictures, I wish you could be there. I am already working on the show for Gildar. We met on Wednesday to talk about the show. It went well and I think the agenda will really help me stay focused and enable me to have a good, hopefully excellent, show. I have some ideas in the mix. I posted some resources images to show you what I am thinking about.

The babies, have been so good. We have had some minor issues on the walk. One major issue. I cannot remember which night it was but, we were walking in the bird sanctuary. It had rained all day, so it was cool out and the swallows were acrobatically flying above the water. They would dive down a fly along the pathway then shoot back up into the sky. I will never forget that. Not only because it was beautiful, but also because the following moments were a sharp contrast. It was like worst case scenario. The BIG dog was walking with his family. Everybody knew it was trouble. Funf and Uola instantly got tense, and the other dog followed suit. I put myself between our dogs and the big dog, but Uola wiggled free while Funf was bark levitating. My heart sank because she got away from me and I feared what I would see when I turned around. Luckily, I think Uola lost her courage and the big dog's owner pulled his dog away. I quickly grabbed Uola and apologized. Crisis averted. That's probably the most excitement we've had since you left.

Mum's was nice tonight. Mum, Ron, and I had pizza. Talked about my art and what they saw in Vail. I recommended they check out the Still Museum and they seemed interested. They are so sweet. Big jokesters.

That's about it for tonight. I am off to dream of you <3