Friday, March 1, 2013

First Days

Hey Wifa.

I wish it wasn't so, but I am starting to post to the blog again; which means we are apart :(

The flight was very long. I tried to sleep, but was to anxious to get any real rest. I would close my eyes for half an hour at a time, but would ultimately stay awake because I was so uncomfortable. Lufthansa is a nice airline, probably the best I have been on. It seems like I always hear people complaining about airplane food, but I was served dinner and breakfast and both we decent. When I landed in Frankfurt my initial instinct was to try and reach you. As I realized I needed to pay attention where I was heading, I focused on the airport until I found my terminal. The Frankfurt airport was very stark and made me think the stereotypes for Germany aesthetic were true. Not long after I found the terminal, I boarded my plane to Venice. On the plane I grew nervous because I had no idea what to expect. Flying to another country not really knowing anyone is intimidating. 

I landed in Venice. The Venice airport is not very big. After I gathered my belongings, I headed outside to find Carmelo. He ended up finding me and we met. He is very nice and has a good sense of humor and a strong passion for art. The first place we went was a hardware store much like Home Depot. The first place I go to in Europe is a hardware store. Anyway, I spent the rest of the day with Carmelo getting ready to start the next day.

The next day, I woke up and met Carmelo for breakfast. We went to a cafe with Carmelo's friend Victor who is Albanian. He does all of the maintenance for the police compound. He didn't speak much english but we had a fairly long conversation. Several times we were both saying, "U.S.A and Europe #1!" He was a very animated guy and eventually Carmelo had to tell him to split, so I could begin working.

It has been pretty nice to wake up in the morning and know that I only have to work on art all day. I feel very lucky and am very grateful for this opportunity  My only wish is that you would be here to share it with me.

Sorry for the hasty recap of events, but I need to get some rest before tomorrow, and I think we have talked about most of these events. 

I love you so much and miss you so much. 

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