Thursday, May 31, 2012


Hey Wifa

I hope you got some nourishment and rest. I can hardly imagine how tired you must have felt. I wish I could be there sleeping next to you.

After we said bye, I finished my day at the museum. I got some unexpected good news today. I had a job review in the afternoon. It went well. I got a bonus and a 50 cent raise :) It was an average day at the front desk, which leaves little to talk about. After work, I went to Home Depot and got some supplies. I bought an adequate ventilator, plastic mixing cups and some Weed 'n' Feed for the front yard.

I spent most of the night in the studio making another pair of hands. I split the evening with a dog walk. We took a new route though the park. We did a loop de loop around the pond. There were so many birds on the walk way through the cat tails. There were many Red-winged Blackbirds singing to each other simultaneously. Tree to tree Blackbirds sang out. The sky was majestic with light rays that were jutting out behind the clouds. It was a spectacular moment that I wish we could have shared. At the Rec center, we saw a crow on the top of the street light. It was cawing loudly. I stopped to see what the matter was and noticed a cat at the base of the light. The cat seemed to be paying no mind to the crow, but the crow kept calling out. After a couple of moments several other crows arrivedon the scene and started to caw at the cat. The cat finally knew it was in peril and began to look for shelter. The cat took off across the parking lot and was pursued by two crows.  The cat ducked under a parked car across the street and the crows flew back to their perches. It was exciting to see crows communicating with each other, but I felt bad for that kitty. After the walk, I went back to the studio and kept working.

I forgot to mention the poor start to your sister vacation in yesterday's post. Your dad told me that your sister, Theia and Ben arrived at Ron's place in Florida and there was no power in the place. Shortly after realizing this, they discovered meat that had been in the fridge for months. Katelyn told your dad that she almost threw up because of the smell. The smell of the refrigerator sent the Simkins family to the balcony. Once their nostrils were refreshed by the fresh air they decided to go back into the apartment, only to discover they were locked out. They had to call down to lower levels to get help. Eventually, an old lady heard them and sent help.

That's it for tonight. Sorry for the lack of transition between paragraphs. I am tired. I plan on waking up to take pictures for you tomorrow. I scouted some potentially good images. For tonight, I give your more pictures of the babies. They miss you so much.

I love you so much wife. You are the air I breathe. I miss you so.


  1. It was so hard to leave you today. I could barely kiss you goodbye for fear that I would brake down. Its not that I didn’t want to go to EGS, in fact, I’m quite excited to be here. It just hard for me to be without you…. I am so spoiled by our life together, truly.

    The plane ride to Atlanta was fairly uneventful. I sat next to a mother with two girls as I told you. They were both blonde and close in age. The smallest girl sat on her mother’s lap and kept taking the crayons from her big sister… they got in a few fights. I guess they were moving to Pennsylvania. I was able to get some reading done. I tried not to sleep so that I could sleep on the 9-hour flight to Milan (which turned out to be a bad call).

  2. The plane ride to Milan was smooth. I was awake most of the time talking to an Italian mother named Sonya. Sonya is married to an air force pilot and moved to Montana for him without knowing English. I guess they are in pretty bed financial shape as her husband (who is your age) supports two other babies he had with other women. Sonya was going back to Italy with her two-year old Ricky to spend a few months with her family. She talked to me for almost the entire 9 hours and put Ricky on my lap a few times when she need to get something or had to go to the bathroom. Ricky was quiet as long as he had a pacifier in his mouth and cookies in his hands.

    Once I got to Milan I was super exhausted. I got a cappuccino at the airport and realized once I was on the bus that I forgot to pay for it. I felt bad, but I was delirious. The bus ride to the train station was about an hour. There were a lot of Asian travelers on the bus. Many of them were on their phones being very loud which surprised me because I thought that Chinese and Japanese cultures were quieter than Americans, but not the ones on this bus.

  3. It was nice to drive through Milan; I remembered how much I love the city. It’s not too fancy, but more modern than a lot of Italian cities and at the same time it holds a historic grace. I want to go there with you.

    I spent about two hours waiting for the train, which was good because buying the ticket was confusing and then figuring out how to read the ticket was even more confusing. A classy Italian businesswoman helped me read my ticket, which put me at ease. The train station is huge, I’ve ben their once before, but it seemed bigger this time. It’s a huge corridor made of grey stone. The vacuous hall must be at least 4 stories tall, tall enough for15 trains to look small in the space, like 15 worms waiting at the start of a horse racing track. Ha!

  4. It was hard to lug my bag onto the train and then I couldn’t find a place to fit it so I set it in the isle way next to my seat… that is until I was able to understand enough Italian to know that people were talking about my huge bag. So… I put it in the hallway next to the bathrooms and left it. It made me nervous not to have it next to me… but it worked out ok. I sat right across from a first year EGS student. His name was Matthau or something like that… he is from Mexico and had the same deer in the headlights look I had last year. He is nice, we talked about Zizek and then both of us were to exhausted to talk any more. The train was delayed a bit, but I had no choice but to be patient.

  5. Once I got to Visp I found Poppy and we took the bus to Saas Fee. The winding bus ride made me sick, I felt like I was going to throw up – but didn’t. I forgot how crazy the bus ride was… next to cliffs and such. You ware going to freak out next year on the ride, I just know it.

    Once I got to Saas Fee I checked in and paid for the remainder of my room. I hope I get my student loans soon. Ugh! My room is nice. It’s at the end of a long hall next to Poppy’s room. I have a patio that faces the mountains to the West (towards you). I think I have enough room to do yoga. Dinner was good; I had a stuffed zucchini and another cappuccino. I saw Wolfgang; he seemed awfully happy… smiles and all. I think it’s the calm before the Wolf storm. ☺

  6. So thats it so far… I sat in bed last night wishing I was with you. You’re right… the night is the hardest time. I had a dream that I was next to you and thought you were there when I woke. I miss you so so so much. I hope you are giving the babies lots of kisses for me and I hope the babies are giving you lots of kisses from me. Thank you for sending the pictures... its nice to have an image of that fat grey. I hope you know that I am always thinking of you and loving you in the past, present, and future…. Forever. You are my one and only.
