Thursday, June 16, 2011

Please, please, please

You are back, kind of :)

It was good to see you my love. I feel asleep with you :) It was so comforting to open my eyes and see you. I cannot wait until you are next me.

I had a weird day. I started the day feeling like the air was thick and I had weights on my shoulders. Driving is really starting to get to me. I cannot wait until I am on that bus ;) I really wish I could walk to work. Walk to the studio everyday :D I got to the museum a little before Gustavo, so I checked to see if there was any message from you. I know that there wasn't going to be any email from you, but I still wanted to check just in case. When Gustavo got there we put the finishing touches on the track, cleaned it ,and prepared it for a preview tomorrow. Gustavo left around noon to go to Denver to see the museums and stuff, and I spent the rest of the day clearing out all of the installation stuff. I had to carry a bunch of rubber mats into the basement. While I was rolling the mats up, I thought they looked funny and took some pictures. I finished at 4:30 and clocked out. I didnt't want to wait in traffic so I wandered around Boulder and got a burrito for dinner. On my way to dinner I saw a man in a mirror suit. It was pretty cool for the first few moments I saw it. My imagination went wild. "Inter-dimensional being, " I thought and geeked out. As I watched more, it lost its grandeur and turned back into a street performer. Still pretty neat though. After taking a couple of pictures I walked into a toy store and thought about buying a horse mask, but I decided against. I came home at 6, but still hit traffic.

I got home at 7 and started to upload the images I took today. At 8, the dogs and I went for a walk.  As we past the historical marker, I notice someone wrote "AK-47" on the top of it. Woof. When we got to the hill the dogs flopped about on their backs. We walked to the soccer field and sat on the grass for a bit. I wanted to see the swallows again. They were there, but not as active across the field because a father and his son were playing baseball. I saw a couple make short runs then zip back up into the sky. I like following individual birds with my eyes. I think it is a good exercise and watching how they fly is astounding. I see birds above the highway and I am envious of how they transport themselves. While we were there, a g pulled up on the street and looked menacing so we left.

I worked on rearranging my website a bit. You should look at it and tell me if you think it is a good idea. Goblins I know it needs work, but I think it is a good direction to go. I have been watching WWII documentaries. It is unreal to think of such a time. I do like that their letters provide a narrative. It is like I am providing a narrative for you :)

Anyway, after that that I saw you :D You are so beautiful. When your computer died I finished my dinner and started writing. How funny you should show up when I am getting my mochi. Yum Yum! Let's get some when you get back.

I wish you were here. I was very sad this morning without you. Some days are rougher than others, nights are always the worst. You add so much warmth to our home. I will keep dreaming of you until you come home.

I love you my wife.

Your husband.


This kid was jumping off of everything.

Mirror man.

We can get sunglasses on our way to the Mecca Tavern.


  1. I like the new arrangement of your website. Its much easier to look at. And the rubber piece is amazing. But it seems like you have a lot less work up.... why?


  2. I just haven't uploaded more yet. I will probably finish tomorrow and add some more prints.
