Hey Baby,
I miss you. I dont even know how to begin. I love you so much. I want to be with you. As you know now, I am sort of losing my edge. I am so lonely without you. I am constantly inside my own head. It is hard not having anyone to share my thoughts with. You are all I got baby.
My day was long, weird and draining.
I woke up feeling weird about our chat and my behavior. I started the day by walking the dogs. It was a pleasant morning. Once again we did the short loop. I fed the dogs and got ready for work.
I arrived at Beau Visage at 8:30. The first half of the day I did some demo work, taking down shelves and pulling off cove base. Your dad left for a meeting in Thorton for some future work. I wrapped up my tasks around 11:30. I took lunch at the grocery store. I only had three bucks so I bought a couple of energy bars and a can of tea. It was sufficient to hold me over for the day. After lunch I returned to Beau Visage, but your dad had not come back yet. I texted him and he told me to wait for him. I sat in the car for about an hour and a half fighting my drowsiness. When your dad got back he put me to work putting cove base up in the tenant finish. It took me until 5 to finish my task, then after that I helped your dad clean up the space. The job is all but done but the electrician pulled a no show. Your dad was not pleased. He has to go back in the morning and meet "sparky" in the morning before Beau Visage opens to finish. Tomorrow we will be in Thorton.
After work, I came home and put the water on the yard. I leashed the dogs up and went for a walk. I really wanted to get into, but I proved was too tired. I made dinner. Spaghetti and brussels spouts. I made the spaghetti. While I was straining the spaghetti, I accidentally dumped it all into the sink. I ate the brussels sprouts by themselves then remade the pasta.
Now I am tired. It was a long day at work. Tomorrow I need to be in the studio.
I hope you had a good day wife. I miss you so much. We are at the two week point. Getting closer every day.
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